We offer a bespoke service to challenger brands who are either making their first foray into exporting or seeking to break new markets.
M&J started their journeys by identifying like minded distributors in specifically targeted countries/ regions and developed relationships to gain distributions agreements. This in turn led to listings with numerous blue chip retailers in many countries worldwide including Norway/ Iceland/ Denmark/ Sweden/ Germany/France/ Holland/ Belgium/ Switzerland/ France/ USA/ Australia/ NZ/ Dubai/ Bahrain/ Lebanon/ Doha/ Qatar/ South Africa/ Hong Kong and Singapore.
I believe here at M&J we really try out upmost to work extremely closely with our exclusive brands and offer them a well-trodden path to success in their journeys with hopefully more successes to come.
We are proud to work with a number of exclusive brands who have chosen M and J Food to help grow their business through exports.

Mark Walker had collaborated with the berry company for a number of years now. He has an outstanding and exceptional network of contact all over the world that have proven pivotal to us in building and preserving our international business.
Mark’s resources are second to none and he can and has brokered innumerable introductions across the globe for the berry company. He is extremely conscientious, honest, diligent and we consider him as valuable an asset as anyone we have dealt with. We cannot recommend him highly enough.
We have worked with Mark for a few years now, including the tough last two years through Covid, where Mark has tirelessly led the international expansion of our Brand.
Through Mark we are entering new markets including Northern Europe and the US, with further expansion to come in the coming months.
Mark has brought his comprehensive network of international partners and great expertise on international logistics to our business, as well as a lot of hard work of course!